Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hello my name is Noah

Hello I'm Noah (pictured below) and this is my blog. The title refers to a (now thought apocryphal) quotation attributed to Alexander the Great. The--now believed false--story goes that upon conquering the gargantuan realm of Persia, Alexander "wept for there were no more worlds to conquer." Why this was a good title for my blog, I'm not really sure. I've always thought it was a compelling idea. This unparallelled general, weeping upon his greatest day. Always sort of reminded me of Michael Jordan playing baseball. When you are at the top of your game to an unparallelled level, have reached your absolute apex how does one retain motivation? How does one live, when one's whole life has been towards a purpose and that purpose is gone? Anyhow, Adieu talk to you soon.

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